Saturday, March 20, 2010

Free For All

I love DC. Where else can you find a theater willing to give away tons of stuff for FREE? Warehouse Theater is in the process of renovating their stage area and needed to get rid of a lot of "junk." Someone there had the brilliant idea to "give it away." And so they did. I was the first person there and Paul, one of the owners, politely suggested that I sit right next to the door. At 5pm the door opened and thus began what I'd like to call "civil chaos." People behaved themselves, but it went by so quickly!

I was there on a mission: to pick up 3 identical chairs one I picked up at Community Forklift, an architectural salvage store. Anything else would be a bonus, and it was

2 work horses (ikea table legs)
1 sheet of plywood for the workhorses
1 typing table (perfect for my sewing machine)
1 lamp stand
1 large lamp shade
1 vase

...and the chairs are under there somewhere.

Sunday, March 7, 2010

A Special Anniversary pt. II

So the "news" that needed to be shared at that staff meeting I mentioned in my last post was that yes, we are getting busier, but no, clients still aren't ready to start real, profitable projects, so now it's time to work your butt off so we don't lose the standing we have, but you won't be compensated for it.

Yes I know this is a good problem to have, but honestly, it's a problem nonetheless. We always hear in the news about the jobless rates, but we don't know how many people are underemployed. I'd personally like to know what it's doing to everyone's morale. In the meantime, I'll keep telling myself that this won't be forever and it will get better eventually.